AGM Updates, changes and general chat


On Saturday we held our Annual General Meeting and i thought i would write up a brief summary to keep those who couldn’t make it up to date with any updates,changes and general chat. I will try and keep this short and sweet, if you have any questions, come and speak to us track side.

UMCC Committee for 2019/2020 - Lee Cutler unfortunately will be stepping off the committee for the foreseeable future due to personal commitments. I would like to thank Lee on behalf of all members for his years of hard work bringing the club forward, getting kids and schools involved in the sport. The role of chairman will be filled by Jim Rowley, with Martin Kenny remaining as secretary and Graham Kenny moving up to treasurer. This year we have also welcomed Peter Philips onto the committee as an On-road coordinator to help with general tasks. Peter is a very experienced racer, and we are happy to have him on board.


No proposals were received for the popular Tamiya mini class, however up for discussion was the idea to move to a control tyre for the indoor series to fall inline with the outdoor series. Throughout the day we provided drivers with a set of Ride slicks to test and most agreed they provided plenty of grip. The issue was raised of the cost to change tyre, so we have agree’d a grace period whereby both the Tamiya M-Grips and Ride slicks will be allowed to run alongside each other to allow drivers to use up their existing stock of tyres. The club is currently Sourcing stock of the Ride SC28’s tyres and will update the drivers at Round 1 of our winter series, so stay tuned.

We also discussed and agreed to move from our Sweep additive to the MR44 V4 additive, this will see us fall closer inline with major UK and European race series and should better help the members who travel overseas to compete. As always the club will allow a grace period where both additives will be allowed alongside each other before switching completely yo the MR44 V4. The club is currently ordering stock of this and should be in race control within the next week.


We have discussed the possibility of a race format change to 4 rounds of qualifying and 2 finals, both scoring separately towards the championship. This seemed well received by the members unfortunately with current limitations on the new software this will be put on hold until we learn more so stay tuned.


We have removed the 10amp lipo charge limit from our rules document, we will now fall inline with BRCA charge limits which should remove any extra liability the club has regarding charging. You can now charge your lipo battery’s as per BRCA rules which states that it must be as per manufactures guidelines, all of which can be found on the current BRCA battery list, if you need help understanding the limits or where to find them, come and speak to me.

The club have been making a few changes in the run up to this season, many of which you will have seen on our fun day, and some that will become clear over the next year. We can now take contactless payments for anything bought from race control. We have new UMCC banners for our rostrum, a new tuck shop with tea / Coffee making facilities and we will be looking to update our venue, carpet and track system in the coming year.

The biggest change is the move to myrcm race software, please bare with us while we implement and learn this new software as it has many improvements over our old software. One of these being the ability to book in online, and i would encourage all members to do this if you know you will be attending.

Id like to sign off by saying thank you to all members for the continued support, we are a fast growing club and the future looks exciting, if you have any suggestions or idea’s come talk to me on race day!

See you on track
